Shopping Cart / Panier d'achat

Please review the contents of your cart. When you have finished please proceed to the check out.

Veuillez vérifier le contenu de votre panier. Quand vous aurez terminé, passez à la caisse.

Out of Stocks

Please note that some items may be temporarily out of stock in your region. An RJS representative will contact you prior to shipping if you have ordered an out of stock item.

Rupture de stock

Il peut arriver que des produits soient en rupture de stock dans votre région.  Le cas échéant, un représentant de RJS communiquera avec vous avant que votre commande voit soit expédiée.

Order Cut Off Time

Please be advised that your normal shipping terms and order entry cut-off times still apply for your region. Note that any orders placed on Saturday or Sunday, will be processed Monday and delivered according to the delivery schedule in your region.  Order/delivery date are subject to change during statutory holidays.  Please refer to the Connect or contact your rep for details.

Date limite de commande

Les modalités d’expédition  et les dates limites de passation de commande applicables dans votre région demeurent en vigueur. Les commandes passées le samedi ou le dimanche sont traitées le lundi et livrées selon le calendrier de livraison dans votre région.

Note that items are subject to availability in your region. Should an item not be available in your region, a representative will contact you and suggest a replacement item.

If you have recently updated your shipping and billing address, please contact your representative to update your records on all RJS systems. Failure to do so, may result in a shipment to an incorrect address at the expense of the customer.

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